Nasib baik janji nak belanja karipap aje..

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Apa kaitan dengan karipap??

Semalam sume orang senyum sampai ke telinga. Result PMR dah keluar kan semalam. My chubby sister is not excluded. And what do I expect from her is true. Well, my dad told me that she got 8A's. Syukran Ya Allah. 

Senyum sampai ke telinga si ayah bila dapat tahu result adik begitu baik. 

But what makes me feel very sad is when she got the excellent result without our mother. How happy she is if mother is still around.

Apa-apa pun, tahniah adik !

That's my sister!
(in the center)

*Nasib baik janji nak belanja karipap aje. Hahaha..


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